JcR5vnYqMzs, BREAKING NEWS – Facebook enters SEARCH — SEO for Facebook Graph Search, Announced this morning in Menlo Park, California, Facebook unveiled they are now officially in the ‘search’ business, with a product called Graph Search.
This is a game changer. Yelp and Google are taking keen note. Fact is, Facebook just instantly has become a destination for Local Search.
I cover some preliminary SEO strategies for Facebook’s Graph Search.
Although not yet available, you can become a beta tester on https://www.facebook.com/about/graphsearch.
This will not change our strategy on how to market local business, but fuel the human component. Businesses still need to be better businesses to survive on the Internet.
Truth is that Facebook is one big digital word of mouth marketing maven. Graph search is only adding rocket fuel to how the 23 million local businesses in the USA are going to be found.
I trust my friends, and for some reason I’ll trust their friend’s opinion for my mechanic, and Facebook has this date.
Local business, if you haven’t already, need a Facebook page, top officers and owners need to build their own personal network with local folk. By encouraging ‘likes’ on the business Facebook page, will give greater exposure in the Graph Search Algorithm.
While no testing has been done, it’s clear the pages outside of Facebook will want to be shared in the FB network. This can easily be done with plugins using the WordPress platform. All relevant business pages and blog posts should have a FB like button.
Single sign on sites will also add to this collection of data.
Focus your local business on building and extending your network that touches in or outside Facebook. Continue to create content that is worthy to be shared, relevant for your audience and ensure Facebook is a primary distribution channel.
Watch this video I’ve created that covers a little more in detail.
The Local Marketing Industry Weekly Update, presented by Scott Gallagher. Scott is the co-founder of Local Marketing Source and has become the recognized expert in providing local marketing services to local businesses.
Local Biz Builders: http://www.localbizbuilders.com
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