News Search SEO

About the Author: *admin


  1. bullwa115

    I’d says the ranking factors are not that clear as you suggest. You say
    article ranks for fresh content, but it’s quite untrue. I have seen
    articles copied directly from a daily newspaper or a Reuters site being
    featured on top and credited wrongly to that site, just because that site
    holds a weightage in your search algos. So don’t say that you go for fresh
    content, say that you go for sites you already give weightage to.

  2. MichaelDadona

    Thanks for WebProNews email news which led me to its Facebook page and then
    back me on here. Thanks Milly Oye for thoroughly explained it with your
    superb lucid explanation.

  3. 2WebVideo

    Nice presentation – sort-of informal yet highly informational. The outdoor
    setting for example sets the tone for a friendly discourse. Speaks volumes
    about Google, the organization.

  4. collaborato

    Nice presentation, very informative. A little insight into the secret 😉

  5. MichaelDadona

    My second entry is to ask one question about ‘Story Ranking’ – how bout if
    I promote local tourist spot? Does it includes in Google ranking for ‘News
    Search’ which I am able to update it once a week? Because you said, I can
    use ‘new keywords’ for search.

  6. Maarten Luther

    you’re cute AND provide a ton of useful information. Thanks for sharing.
    Are there also Rich Snippets available for News Search (and blog search

  7. Armand Aguillon

    Thank you Milly for this video. I took a lot of notes whilst watching and
    saved it on my delicious page so I can keep going back to this. This is
    literally an untapped market and traffic source and the first few that
    utilises this will really benefit from this.

  8. Hot Cool Dude Seo

    I really needed this kind of useful info – THANKS

  9. Ryan Marsden

    Hi I just watched this feed I did not know about a news site map only the
    one in webmasters tools I will defnitly look into Google news as a whole
    new subject. Thanks

  10. Mario Francis

    @ktafbss yeah. i have been searching for a solution to build many back
    links for my sites. Between the best thing when i started using this link
    building software that, i ddnt need any help at all to set it up. you can
    also get it from here :

  11. Indra Nurjaman

    Anyone tried the MoboRank (do a search on google)? I’ve heard some
    extraordinary things about it and my friend rank on page 1 for his term by
    using it.

  12. Jake Pranger

    Hey nice video! I’ve been doing this stuff myself. how did you get started
    in the business?

  13. Sunnyvale SEO

    Has news search changed much over the years?

  14. Adelaide SEO

    Hi Maile, thanks for you valuable information.

  15. Cristian Sepulveda

    How and where to submit a Youtube Channel for multimedia optimization? (News
    Search SEO)

  16. Larrys mlmtips

    I do believe that the design of an online site has much to do with Seo
    tactics. Fantastic video tutorial!

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